Ozone (O3) is the gas that surrounds the earth and protects us from the sun's UV radiation but the therapeutic benefits of ozone go far beyond being a natural "sunscreen". While ozone is toxic to humans and animals when inhaled, it is extremely beneficial when delivered intravenously, via rectal or vaginal insufflation (absorbed by internal tissues), through the ear canal, injected into joints or applied topically to the skin.

Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in 1896 in the USA which was later used during World War I to topically treat infected wounds and reduce inflammation for injured soldiers. Ozone goes beyond basic oxygen therapy. Once the O3 is absorbed into the bloodstream, the body quickly uses that extra oxygen molecule and creates lipo peroxides which are oxidized fat molecules. These molecules stimulate the immune system and initiate ozone's therapeutic effects. These peroxides instigate a rapid immune response which quickly and effectively eliminate infections and toxicity in the body. Also, the remaining O2 molecules will provide extra oxygen throughout the body which is beneficial as well.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy
Reduces inflammation by increasing oxygen exposure and regulating inflammatory pathways in the body.
Improves brain function by boosting oxygen levels and reducing brain fog
Reduces microbial load in chronic infections by provoking the immune system to attack and clean up any bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc that are damaging tissues. This makes it a great tool when treating chronic infections such as Lyme Disease, candida and viruses​
Incorporating Ozone Therapy into your Veterinary Practice
Drs. Erin Holder and Sarina Barbara have had many years of combined use of ozone therapy and have utilizes cutting edge techniques in their veterinary practice. They were so impressed with the results their patients were getting with ozone therapy that they decided to create a course to teach fellow veterinarians how to effectively and efficiently incorporate ozone therapy into their practices.