If you perform animal massage and bodywork, you have probably wondered about carrying liability insurance to cover any issues that may arise during a session. Your next questions is likely, how do you go about becoming insured?
How to Obtain It: To obtain liability insurance, the best option is to join an animal massage association such as the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork. They provide their members with malpractice insurance options. In order to qualify to join IAAMB, you must be able to show that you have completed at least 100 hours in Animal Massage courses. Our massage certification courses are approved through IAAMB and will allow you to become a member.Â
How Much Does it Cost? A typical policy in the USA is only $175 per year! The low risk involved in animal massage allows the insurance costs to stay low. Compare this to a human surgeon who spends an average of $15,000 per year on malpractice insurance. The level of risk will dictate the cost.Â