Unlike dogs and horses, cats rarely show signs of lameness (altered gait), making it difficult for cat owners to determine if their cat could benefit from some form of bodywork. Dog owners often seek bodywork for their dogs when they notice that they are having trouble jumping up or down from furniture, are having difficultly standing up after resting, are reluctant to go on walks, cry out when touched or picked up or favor one or more legs while moving. Cats are usually more stoic than dogs, so cat owners need to be aware of other signs of feline body pain and discomfort.

Unlike dogs and horses, cats rarely show signs of lameness (altered gait), making it difficult for cat owners to determine if their cat could benefit from some form of bodywork. Dog owners often seek bodywork for their dogs when they notice that they are having trouble jumping up or down from furniture, are having difficultly standing up after resting, are reluctant to go on walks, cry out when touched or picked up or favor one or more legs while moving. Cats are usually more stoic than dogs, so cat owners need to be aware of other signs of feline body pain and discomfort.
Signs of Feline Body Pain and Discomfort:
Uncharacteristically moody or agitated
Walking with a "hump" in their mid to lower back
Reluctant to play
Decreased appetiteÂ
Chronic organ disease
​Lack of energy
These signs listed above can also indicate serious health problems, so it is important to have a veterinarian examine your cat prior to seeking bodywork.
Types of Bodywork Cats Can Benefit From:
Massage Therapy
Most cats really enjoy massage therapy. It is important to utilize a massage therapist who is educated on working on cats since the handling, evaluation and treatment will be different than canine massage. Massage will help mobilize metabolic waste out of the cat's muscles (this waste can be a source of muscle pain and discomfort) and bring in nutrient rich blood. Massage can also help break up adhesions that are formed due to injury and restore the cat's proper range of motion allowing them to move with more ease.
Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a bodywork technique that addresses the craniosacral rhythm which is found in all animals. Â This rhythm is similar to the animal's heartbeat, but is a result of the pumping of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) rather than blood through the heart. The CSF nourishes the Central Nervous System (CNS) and changes in its flow can directly impact it. CSF flows from the skull of the animal (cranium), down the spinal cord to the sacrum (hence the name craniosacral). Craniosacral therapists can enhance and correct the flow of CSF through specific techniques and protocols. Many cats can benefit from Craniosacral Therapy, especially those who are experiencing chronic organ issues and chronic disease.
Kinesiology Tape

Kinesiology tape is a stretchy, sticky athletic tape that was developed for humans over 30 years ago. This tape has recently gained popularity with animal bodywork practitioners after it was discovered that the same benefits humans experience when wearing the tape can be experienced by animals. To many people’s surprise, this revolutionary tape can be applied over an animal’s hair instead of directly to the skin to achieve the same decompression effect seen in humans. Cats can utilize kinesiology tape to naturally decrease pain, support joints or muscles that are injured to reduce further injury and speed up healing and decrease inflammation associated with surgery and injury.
Body Alignment
Cats do extremely well with ANMR technique. Not only can it help with musculoskeletal issues, but it also improves organ function and has been shown to reduce accidents outside of the litter box.